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Magistrate Judge Giselle López-Soler welcomes 55 students from the Forensic Chemistry course of the Juan A. Corretjer Montes School in San Juan

On May 20, 2024, Magistrate Judge Giselle López Soler welcomed 55 Forensic Chemistry students from the Juan A. Corretjer Montes Specialized School in San Juan. 

The Forensic Chemistry subject is not in the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico's Department of Education Curriculum. The visiting group’s Science teacher noticed her student’s interest in careers related to criminal law and decided to design her own curriculum on Forensics Chemistry. For their end of the year capstone, the students had to recreate 3 trials were Forensic Chemistry was used. All of this is new territory for both teacher and students. One of her students decided to contact the Court to ask for help and orientation on criminal trials procedures, presentation of evidence and as she mentioned “get answers to all their questions”.

With the assistance of Magistrate Judge López-Soler, alongside AUSA Denisse Longo and Attorney Laura Maldonado, these intrepid students and their teacher received a presentation  to help them succeed on their capstone and support their teacher’s initiative. The activity ended with a very active and profound question and answer session from the students.

Outreach Date: 