In most instances, the burden of Federal Court jury service is not so overwhelming and can be absorbed by business or other establishments with relative ease. In order to ensure that the serious need for federal jurors is met, the United States Congress enacted the "Protection of Juror's Employment" statute in 1978 (Title 28, United States Code, Section 1875). The statute embodies the intent of the Congress to assure adequate representation and the corresponding duty of employers to their employees and to the justice system. The statute also protects employees from being discharged, intimidated or coerced by their permanent employers because of their service as jurors in Federal Court.
Financial hardship claimed as an excuse by an individual summoned or selected for jury duty is not usually a valid reason for the Court to excuse an individual from jury service, especially if the individual is working regularly in a permanent position with a salary or set hourly rate. Unless there are compelling reasons for that excuse, it will not be granted. If your employment policy is against paying employees while they are on jury duty, you are urged to reconsider that policy. Federal jurors are paid $40.00 per day for their services; paying the difference between that amount and your employee's salary should not be overly burdensome. The Court will do everything in its power to ensure that employers observe their duty towards those employees selected to serve as jurors of this Court. Employers are encouraged to read the Court’s Order and Notice from the Clerk concerning protection of petit and grand jury service and protection of jurors’ employment. |