To access a PDF of this document, please click on the following URL Link: PROMESA: Order Regarding Procedures for the Public to Request to Speak at Hearing on Confirmation of PREPA Plan of Adjustment
Members of the public interested in addressing the Court on March 5, 2024, may request permission to appear and speak by completing a registration form at the following website: https://forms.office.com/g/H35KTQpFuW
Due to time constraints, the Court will randomly select up to twenty (20) individuals who have completed a registration form to participate in the Confirmation Hearing. All requests to participate in the Confirmation Hearing as a member of the public must be submitted through the website link by February 13, 2024, at 5:00 p.m. (Atlantic Standard Time). Members of the public who are selected will be notified promptly of their selection at the email addresses they have provided in the online registration form. Selected participants must confirm their attendance by responding promptly to the email from the Court. Only members of the public who are selected and who confirm their intention to attend the Confirmation Hearing by the stated deadline will be permitted to participate during the public participation portion of the Confirmation Hearing.
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